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Amendments to the United States Constitution

Amendments to the United States Constitution

Writing Assignment (155k) – Students are required to read and
complete a brief (3 to 5 Pages) writing assignment on the
Amendments to the United States Constitution. Students are to
include in their papers three (3) of the twenty-seven (27)
Amendments of the Constitution and write a paragraph expounding
on each of the three (3) reasons. Such paragraphs are to
comprise no more than 1/3 of the paper. Additionally, you are
to write a paragraph or two on what changes you would consider
apropos to ensure that the Constitution remain applicable to our
current society. Each paper is required to include three (3)

sources other than the Constitution which were used in writing
the paper. Papers must have page numbers and be bound or
stapled. More details on the writing assignments will be
provided to students during the semester.
