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Influenza in Australia

Influenza immunisation rates in Australia

1750 words ± 10%

Weighting: 35%

This assessment aims to empower you with the confidence to deliver patient education tools and communication skills through the application of the knowledge gained in Themes 1 and 2.


Design a poster to promote immunisation coverage rates. In your submission, provide the following:

1. An image of the poster you have designed.

2. An evidence-based script based on the poster, that you would use to promote immunisation coverage rates. The script must also be relevant to your professional scope of practice (Maximum 750 words).

3. All projects are to be supported by a referenced reflective paper using Rolfe’s reflective model (Maximum 1000 words). The reflective paper should:

Identify the target audience and where the poster will be displayed
Refer to the three questions posed by Rolfe’s model being ‘what’, a description of the project including poster design and delivery method for script and, So ‘what’, an analysis of the project including expected outcomes for people in your practice and ‘what’ next, what you have learned and the implications for future practice.
Guide on Poster presentation

A poster is a visual combination of bold design, colour, and message intended to catch and hold the attention of the passer-by long enough to implant or reinforce a significant idea in his/her mind (Wittich & Schuller cited in McCann, Sramac & Rudy 1994, p. 45).

A well designed poster addresses the following points:

identifies author and date of preparation
is clutter free, concise and in plain English with space between sections and headings
is readable because it has:
– appropriate typeface:

serif typefaces are recommended for bodies of text e.g. times new roman, palatino.

sans serif typefaces are recommended for titles and headings e.g. arial, verdana, helvetica.

– typeface of a size that is readable from a distance

– important points at eye level

– lists that are formatted using bullet points

– headings or captions for pictures, tables and graphs

is visually dynamic i.e. eye-catching
limits colour for fonts and backgrounds to three at most
is referenced according to ACN guidelines.
Assessment criteria

You will be marked against the criteria in the marking rubric for patient education project.



2. An evidence-based script based on the poster, that you would use to promote immunisation coverage rates. The script must also be relevant to your professional scope of practice (Maximum 750 words).

3. All projects are to be supported by a referenced reflective paper using Rolfe’s reflective model (Maximum 1000 words).
