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Minnesota statutes governing franchises

1. Look up the Minnesota statutes governing franchises and answer the following questions, citing the exact statute, including section and paragraph for each answer:

Can a franchisor block the sale of a franchise if the franchise when the franchisee has meet the current requirements and standards of the franchisor?

What printing requirements are there on the franchisor’s public offering statement to show that registration with the state does not constitute the state’s approval or recommendation?

How many days in advance of signing a franchise agreement must the franchisor have given the prospective franchisee a copy of the franchise offering?

How soon must a franchisor stop advertising if it has been found that the advertising was false or misleading?
2. Use Heinonline or another case finding database to find at least one case involving a franchise dispute in MN and give a synopsis IN YOUR OWN WORDS of what the case was about, what laws were at issue, and what was the outcome. Do you think the decision was correct?
