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The ‘What Works’ Exercise

The ‘What Works’ Exercise

You have a spreadsheet that contains 100 recent posts from the HopCat East Lansing Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pg/HopCatEastLansing/posts/). HopCat’s goal for their Facebook page is to generate high levels of engagement and amplification. They have asked you to analyze their Facebook to determine what kinds of posts receive the most engagement.

You should code for at least one variable, that has at least 4 levels. (e.g., You could code for “Post Topic”—one variable—and have 4 or more different subtopics—levels of the variable. You should develop coding categories and definitions, and code at least 20 randomly selected posts. Then, you should use a pivot table to compare average engagement and amplification for the different types of posts.

You may work collaboratively with a partner for this exercise (you’ll need each other to test coder agreement), but you should come up with different coding categories and coding definitions.

Turn in your final spreadsheet (including a description of the content categories and at least two bullet points about what you found) in the D2L dropbox.

Hopefully you watched the how-to video on D2L—without that, this exercise will be hard to do!
