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National Helping Hands

need two subjects in one page. It is just discussing
Case A-National Helping HandS
National Helping Hands (NHH) is a national-level organization that ‘serves as a
coordinating “umbrella” organization for a collection of separate and distinct‘ mem-
ber organizations who, in turn, provide services directly to the public after disaster
incidents. That is, there are individual voluntary organizations that have their own
memberships and do their own regular work serving their clients on a daily basis.
When a disaster strikes, those organizations send volunteers to provide disaster
relief services for the affected communities. The role of NHH is to help coordinate
the efforts of a wide variety of different types of organizations who send volunteers
to help in the disaster relief and recovery process. While it is clear that the work of
NHH and all the various member organizations is very important, there is a basic
research question: how much of an impact do those nonprofit organizations have

“Think about Case A, out National Helping Hands case, and discuss as a group how you would define the overall project purpose, and brainstorm on different ways in which you might define the core research question for the project”.

“Pick a concept that is not necessarily easy to measure, such as employee productivity or disaster assistance and brainstorm a set of indicators (i.e. specific measures) that would allow you to operationalize the concept of interest.” Choose an example of a “concept” (one of the variables for instance) from the PPT file, Clement and Habans carbon emission study?

What indicators (specific measures) were used to operationalize concept of interest?
What problems or limitations do you see in the use of these specific measures?
Do they fully capture the concept? What is missing?
Provide potential alterantive measures / metrics?
Be specific
to understand and answer this see the files and the ppt file


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