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Child and Adolescent Psychology

Title Child and Adolescent Psychology
Assignment type Essay
Discipline Psychology
Description Prescribed Text Berk, L.E (2013). Child Development. (9th Ed.,International Ed). Pearson.Sydney. Wilson, R.L. & Wilson, R. (2015). Understanding emotional development: Providing insight into human lives (3rd Ed.). Abingdon: Routledge Essay Answer the following question. Question1 Discuss how care and attachment influences the development of emotion in children and how this in turn influences their behavioural motivation. In your answer ensure you discuss the role of dependency in the formation of attachment. Tips: In answering this question ensure that you discuss the importance of receiving adequate care and link this to dependency in early childhood. Consider also the need for a nurturing relationship and link this to attachment. For example, if a child receives adequate physical care, but no loving, nurturing care does the same type of attachment form as a child who receives inconsistent care or one who receives both physical and nurturing care? Ensure that you link how a child’s dependency needs are met to the formation of attachment. This question requires a consideration of environmental influences on the child, especially those involving social interaction because it is through social interaction that secondary emotions arise and evolve. Discuss the work of Bowlby & Ainsworth in your answer, with particular reference to attachment styles. Ensure that in your answer you explore how attachment style impacts the development (or not) of the secondary emotions, as well as how the type of attachment and the development or absence of some of the secondary social emotions affects a child’s behaviour or how does it motivate their behaviour? Rationale This essay will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and comprehension of the emotional development of children and of the factors that can impact this development. Marking criteria 1. Knowledge and Understanding of material. Material demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, and issues related to the topic. Critical analysis is used extensively and appropriately. – Shows thorough knowledge and understanding of the topic. Resourceful and imaginative analysis using ideas and principles beyond those introduced in the subject is evident. 2. Quality and consistency of argument. Reference materials are used critically to develop a clear, compelling, strongly supported argument. Theoretical and empirical perspectives are examined and links are formed between theory and research to explain and support the argument. – Good use is made of reference materials to provide a compelling argument. Theoretical and empirical perspectives provide a strong support base for the argument, which is signposted and cast within a strong, well-structured framework; however, signposting of the argument could be clearer or theoretical and/or empirical perspectives may need further detail or a stronger and more coherent exposition. 3. Use of relevant literature Good quality and a broad selection of reference material including recent publications, showing evidence of wide reading and consultation of a range of sources. Material is predominantly from relevant, peer-reviewed, quality publications. – Evidence of wide reading through consultation of a range of sources is obvious. All reference materials may not be of adequate quality or do not include recent publications or some research reviewed is not adequate and relevant to the argument. Some depth of engagement with the literature is demonstrated and evidenced through some dissection and reflection of findings. minimum 8-10 references

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