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Linkages and Alliances

Assignment 2: (20 points) Diagram the Health care System – Linkages and Alliances

Organizations operating in the U.S. Health Care Sector (USHCS) are a part of a larger system of services. Identify a health care delivery organization, note how that organization is linked to other health care organizations in the delivery system. Every organization has a source of referral and a place they release their patients.

For this assignment, you will explore linkages and alliances. To this end, your paper should include:

A Title page
A 2-3 page (double spaced) description of the organization;
graphical representation of the linkages between the organization and other organizations/stakeholders. If you do a Google image search for organizational linkages, you will see plenty of examples of how they might look. You are not required to use a specific type of graphical representation; the key is to be able to understand the relationships between organizations by looking at your linkage graphic;
A properly formatted reference page.

As is the case with all academic papers, a well-organized paper will have a clear introduction to the topic, a body, and a conclusion or summary paragraph. In addition, a well-written paper will have minimal grammar, spelling, or sentence structure mistakes and it will fully conform to all.

Grading Rubric for written Assignment #2




Critical Thinking Skills: Clearly presents thoughts and concepts. Diagrams elements of a graphic in correct relationship to one another.


Course Content: Uses, applies, and demonstrates understanding of course materials, readings, conferences, and instructor-provided content. Visual and graphic images capture and display understanding of the concepts


Assignment Instructions: Responds to assignment instructions, including all essential elements of the project description.


Writing Quality: Writes clearly, concisely, and with few errors. APA format is followed. Citations are used. Clearly presents material graphically. Easy to understand.


Maximum total points

Due Date

Apr 13, 2014 11:59 PM

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Rubric Name: Assignment #2 Rubric


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Creative Thought/Critical Thinking/Problem Solving/Self-Assessment

0 points
Shows no original thought; all secondhand ideas demonstrates very little creative thought or insight; consists mostly of secondhand ideas

10 points
Demonstrates very little creative thought or insight; consists mostly of secondhand ideas

20 points
Shows minimally acceptable originality, insight, and/or problem-solving skill

30 points
Shows some originality, insight, and/or problem-solving skill

40 points
Demonstrates a high degree of originality, insight, and/or problem-solving skill

Application of Concepts/Development & Support

0 points
Meaningful attempt to explain or support ideas does not exist.

7 points
Explanations and support of ideas is inadequate or ineffective.
15 points
Inconsistency in developing and supporting ideas.
23 points
Developed and supported key points.
30 points
Thorough and insightful exploration, explanations that support each idea.

Attention to Assignment Instructions

0 points
Did not demonstrate understanding of assignment requirements.

4 points
Failed to show a firm understanding of requirements. Missed two key elements or several minor aspects of assignment.


8 points
Demonstrated some understanding of requirements. Missed a key element or two minor aspects of assignment.

11 points
Demonstrated understanding of requirements. Missed one minor aspect of assignment.
15 points
Demonstrated full understanding of requirements. Responded to each aspect of assignment.
Writing Quality & Clarity, including Grammar

0 points
Largely incomprehensible writing/Poorly written in terms of mechanics and structure OR no attempt at APA style

4 points
Unclear and difficult to understand; frequent spelling and grammar issues; more than six APA style errors

8 points
Wordy; some points require rereading to understand fully; more than an occasional spelling and/or grammar; four to six APA style errors

11 points
Most ideas are presented clearly, but has occasional spelling and/or grammar issues; no more than three APA style errors

15 points
Writing is clear and easy to follow. Grammar and spelling are all correct. Formatting gives a pg are all correct. Formatting gives a professional look and adds to readability; no APA style errors

Overall Score

Level 1
0 or more

Level 2
1 or more

Level 3
26 or more

Level 4
51 or more

Level 5
76 or more

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